How have I never reviewed this app? Weve been using GPSL almost since it was first released, and have come to rely on it for more uses than I would have imagined. We began by "spiking" locations we hiked: getting GPS locations and photos of trailheads and facilities, along with hours and impressions. Quickly that evolved to spiking restaurants and coffee shops, including hours and photos of menus and receipts, to give us a complete snapshot of a meal experience. Photos can be saved at a variety of resolutions (including full-size, its a user setting so dont worry about the bad review!)
The developer has been incredibly responsive to requests and has greatly expanded the capabilities of his application. Each new release has enhanced our use of GPSL.
We recently returned to the US from a trip to Canada, where we successfully spiked without data for the first time, and with no problem. The initial fix will take a while (if youve moved thousands of miles, as we did) but after that each successive spike found a GPS lock in less than 30 seconds. We now have some of our favorite locations in the Canadian Rockies spiked without using a second of cellular data, and while miles from anywhere along a hiking trail.
Seeing all of your spikes on a map, being able to export and share your spikes with friends are all features of this application. The upcoming release, 3.0, will also greatly expand the capabilities yet again. This has been a lot of fun to grow with, as the apps new features keep adding to our use of the program.
Visit the support website, and look at the forum to see how many of the users utilize GPS Log. The varied use-cases are limited only by peoples imagination.
Its a blast!
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